Brad Miller

Living Liberty: Joe Rogan

In Advocates of Liberty, Liberty on January 9, 2013 at 3:16 am

“Liberty is for the Living. If you are not living, you have no need for Liberty.”

Liberty id choice. It is about making your own decisions about how you want to spend what limited time you have on this Earth. Liberty is the ability to choose your path free from the coercion of others.

How many of us who understand the truth about “Our Enemy, the State” are truly living?

I’ve been thinking a lot about Life and Liberty lately and the fact that too often those in the Liberty movement (I am guilty as well) harp on only the negative aspects of this world. But in order to be successful in spreading the ideas of Liberty we need to present the positive aspects of freedom. In particular I believe we should highlight those in this world who are already living lives of Liberty in spite of the overwhelming presence of Government in our lives today.

For those who love liberty and want to see a world filled with more Peace and freedom, we should in fact be living a life of liberty in all the areas we are currently capable of.

One person who is living a life of Liberty is Joe Rogan. If you are fan of the UFC you know him as the color commentator at all the Pay Per View Shows. Others may know him as the host of Fear Factor and still others may know him as a stand up comedian who was a regular on the T.V. show “News Radio”. On top of all that he has one of the most successful podcasts on the planet.

What makes Joe Rogan a man Living Liberty is that he lives the life he desires despite the creeping totalitarianism in this country. He takes full advantage of the choices he has in his life. He is a skeptic at heart and questions everything. He admits to taking psychotropic drugs and smokes marijuana on a regular basis. He also trains Brazilian jiu-jitsu and can talk at length about the nature of reality. He can clearly articulate the ridiculousness of the drug war and the growing oppressiveness of the police state.

He is an interesting guy who admits that earlier in his life he had a confidence problem. At one stage of his life he considered himself a total “piece of s**t”. It was after he became heavily involved in martial arts d his confidence began to grow. And a lot of Living Liberty is all about Confidence.

“Liberty belongs to the Bold” I hit upon that idea (I’m sure not original) after I read the “Creature From Jekyll Island.” The men who plotted to create the Federal Reserve System were bold, the men at the top of the heap are bold, and those who know the truth but still lie to keep power are bold. Even though their actions are evil they do what they do so they have more and better choices in their lives so they can live their perverted version of a life of liberty.

Liberty doesn’t exist for those who refuse to live. Live your life fully now and don’t wait till the Republicans have control of the Senate or Obama Care is repealed. Live now. People like Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Steve Rinella, Ted Nugent, Vince Vaughn and many others in this world who are choosing to live in the present are in their own unique way blazing a trail for others to live Lives of Liberty.

Liberty is choice. It is true as taxation grows, as regulation regiments more and more of your life, and the police have become more militarized and aggressive in enforcing the ever growing mountains of laws, the amount of choices we have and their quality of those choices have changed. It is our duty who are aware of this creeping totalitarianism to sound the alarm. But it does a disservice to ourselves to focus purely on the negative of life and forget about the choices that are in our power to make.

Joe Rogan is not a guy who is in the “liberty movement”. I’m not sure where he stands on a some of issues. I do know he’s for legalizing weed and some other drugs and I believe he’s for brining the troops home. But he might harbor progressive ideas about the state. I don’t know. What I do know about is that the man appears to be sincere and genuine in his respect for his fellow human. This is evidenced by how he shows deference and genuine respect for the fighters he interviews in the UFC Octagon after a fight. every time he gets in the Octagon (UFC) and interviews the fighters. 

He is also a capitalist and entrepreneur at heart. He’s developed a clothing line called “Higher Primate”. On his podcast he is a pitchman for such diverse products as the “fleshlight” and Onnit brand supplements which he co-owns. He produced out-of-pocket his most recent standup comedy album. He pursues what he loves. And that should be the message for those spreading the ideas of Liberty. Do what you Love as long as it doesn’t violate the natural rights of others.

Joe Rogan did an Interview with Alex Jones the other day. The two of them are good friends. I’m a big fan of Alex as well. If you haven’t checked out the interview I suggest you do. Something Rogan said in the interview with Alex Jones really stuck with me and I believe it is an integral concept for all of us who want to be more free. He said to Alex when they were talking about the nature of Reality, that the one thing he knows for sure about Reality in this Universe is that he feels good to make people laugh andmake people  smile. That’s why he does the stand up comedy.

When we talk to others about Liberty let us not forget this fundamental Law of Nature. It feels good to laugh and smile and to make others do the same. Don’t get so caught up in the misery that the State causes to forget to live your life fully by pursuing what you are interested in and being around people who inspire and support you. 

The most miserable in life don’t win. The famous quote “A life well lived is the best revenge”  is something for all of us to consider when we get caught up in the daily grind of the news cycle reporting about lying corrupt politicians, the endless wars and increasing political strife. Focusing solely on the Negative in life is detrimental to you and the one’s you love. If you want to advance Life, Love and Liberty in your life I suggest you start focusing on the choices you have the most power over. Those in life Living Lives of Liberty who are Happy, Successful and Knowledgable are the one’s best suited for advancing the cause of Liberty for all.

Thanks to Joe Rogan for Living his life of Liberty.

Brad Miller
Advocate of Living Liberty

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